March 28, 2014

Monitoring: Haley Bonar - "No Sensitive Man"

Haley Bonar got her big break at the age of 20, when Low frontman Alan Sparhawk watched her play at an open mic in Minneapolis and invited her to open for his band. A chance meeting or destiny incarnate? Bonar's work over the past 10 years has argued for the the latter, spanning four full-length records, a notable collaboration with Andrew Bird on his Armchair Apocrypha LP and a punk side-project called Gramma's Boyfriend. After announcing her upcoming album Last War with the debut of it's atmospheric title track, the singer's latest single, "No Sensitive Man," is a throwback to her alt-country roots. Atop a rough-and-tumble guitar line augmented by brooding synths, Bonar expresses her distaste for guys who tear up when she plays them her latest tune. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I've got something in my eye...

Last War will be released by Graveface on May 20.

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