Appropriately enough, opening track "Irish Wristwatch" opens in a wash of distorted noise before settling into a steady cadence, fleshed out with picked strings and bolstered by droning strums. It's a disciplined approach which carries over throughout the majority of the record—Santah is not one to showboat. Their particular brand of folk-rock is arranged in a manner which gives an effortless air to what can only be described as a meticulously constructed set of sounds. Nowhere is this more evident than on "No Other Women," with its swelling organ and cascading piano keys, all set over a relentless bass line. A tenor of lamentation is evident from the opening strains, quickly affirmed by McConnell's lyrical acknowledgment of the woman who dug straight to his core.
A bit further on we come to "Chips of Paint," far and away one of my favorite tracks on the record, both as a whole and because of some of the moments it contains—from the twisting guitar part that accents the chorus to the unison guitar solo which builds up to the song's final breakdown. Another choice cut is the comparatively subdued "Merry Ann," which features McConnell's sister Vivian providing some spectacular vocal harmonies. The jangling closing number "Neighbors and Cousins," finds the group in a more playful mood—indulging in a somewhat cheesy spoken word interlude before extolling life's uncertainties with the rousing chorus of "Yeah, I don't know."
If there's one thing that separates this record from the never-ending pack of well-intentioned debuts, it's a sense of cohesion. The entirety of White Noise Bed sounds like a product of intense collaboration and studio craftsmanship—a collection of songs firmly grounded in a common narrative, however nebulous. I still don't know the story behind White Noise Bed and, frankly, it doesn't even matter. Whether it was a break-up, a bad day or just pure happenstance, the results certainly make for beautiful listening.
Download: Santah - "No Other Women"
Santah will be appearing at J-Alan in Dayton, Ohio on December 16 and the MOTR Pub in Cincinnati, Ohio on December 17.
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